

Hello and welcome to the official Perth to Perth website. Here we will provide updates about the planning of the expedition and the expedtion itself. To start off with let us describe what we are currently planning.

Our plan is to drive in 4 Wheel Drives from Perth, Australia to Perth, Scotland taking 9 months and travelling through roughly 30 countries. Currently the plan is:

  1. Ship the cars from either Perth or Darwin to Singapore, with the expedition members flying by plane.
  2. Once in Singapore we will head north through Malaysia and on to Thailand.
  3. Then traveling up the peninsular through Bangkok, onto Laos
  4. We will then enter China via Laos
  5. The expedition will head north east to Beijing then up through the Gobi Desert to Mongolia
  6. Once we reach Ulaanbaatar we will turn west heading the length of Mongolia into Russia
  7. We will do a slight detour through Central Siberia then down to Kazakhstan
  8. Going through Kazakhstan we will head to Uzbekistan then Turkmenistan,
  9. Then following the Caspian Sea we will head through Iran
  10. Exiting Iran, we will travel into Azerbaijan
  11. We will head to the north of Azerbaijan and enter Georgia
  12. From Georgia we will enter Armenia
  13. After a small tour of Armenia we will exit back into Georgia
  14. From Georgia we will then enter Turkey and follow the Black sea to Istanbul
  15. In Turkey we will leave the East and enter Europe
  16. We will do a tour of Europe ending up in France where we will enter the United Kingdom via the channel tunnel or the Ferry from Calais.
  17. The last leg of the trip will go north through London to Scotland and finally reach Perth, Scotland.
  18. From there we will ship the cars back to Australia where we will drive home from where the ship takes them.

This route is an estimated 40,000 Km through 30 countries.

So why are we undertaking this expedition?

Well there are many reasons for the expedition, one factor that has lead to this expedition is to fulfil the expedition part for the Rover Scout Award scheme and to get closer to obtaining the Baden Powell award.

From this has come a number of strong reasons to go on this trip, first and foremost to embody the spirit of scouting and the spirit of adventure, this trip will take the team members to places in the world they have never been before and will give each one of them a opportunity to learn in so many ways the culture of different peoples who inhabit this earth and the importance of tolerance and following your dreams.

The other main purpose of this expedition is to spread the word of scouting to people and communities who may not have any idea about it or what it offers. The expedition may also act as a beacon for scouting helping to inspire all members of the scouting community.

This trip will also challenge the general public’s preconceptions and nostalgic thoughts about scouting and to show them what scouting is, and show them what scouting actually offers. We aim to spread the message of adventure, trust, tolerance and community which the team feels are the core values of scouting.

So if you interested or a little bit intrigued by our plan then please let us know your thoughts in the comments or using the “Contact Us” link above. Also remember to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates.

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